
Implementation of the Luhn Algorithm used to validate a variety of identification numbers, such as credit card numbers, IMEI numbers, National Provider Identifier numbers etc.

  • Use String.prototype.split(''), Array.prototype.reverse() and in combination with parseInt() to obtain an array of digits.
  • Use Array.prototype.splice(0, 1) to obtain the last digit.
  • Use Array.prototype.reduce() to implement the Luhn Algorithm.
  • Return true if sum is divisible by 10, false otherwise.
const luhnCheck = num => {
  let arr = (num + '')
    .map(x => parseInt(x));
  let lastDigit = arr.splice(0, 1)[0];
  let sum = arr.reduce(
    (acc, val, i) => (i % 2 !== 0 ? acc + val : acc + ((val * 2) % 9) || 9),
  sum += lastDigit;
  return sum % 10 === 0;
luhnCheck('4485275742308327'); // true
luhnCheck(6011329933655299); //  false
luhnCheck(123456789); // false