
Creates a collection of elements, grouped based on the position in the original collections.

  • Use range to iterate over the params, reflect.ValueOf() and Value.Len() to find the longest collection.
  • Use make() to create a 2D interface{} slice of length equal to the longest collection.
  • Use make() to create a slice for each element in the result, range to iterate over params.
  • Use reflect.ValueOf(), Value.Len(), append(), Value.Index() and Value.Interface() to add values to the result.
import "reflect"

func Zip(params ...interface{}) [][]interface{} {
    l := 0
    for i := range params {
        arr := reflect.ValueOf(params[i])
        if l < arr.Len() {
            l = arr.Len()
    r := make([][]interface{}, l)

    for i := 0; i < l; i++ {
        r[i] = make([]interface{}, 0)
        for j := range params {
            v := reflect.ValueOf(params[j])
            if v.Len() > i {
                r[i] = append(r[i], v.Index(i).Interface())
    return r
s := []string{"a", "b"}
i := []int{1, 2}
b := []bool{true, false}
Zip(s, i, b) // [[a 1 true] [b 2 false]]