React useOnGlobalEvent hook

Executes a callback whenever an event occurs on the global object.

  • Use the useRef() hook to create a variable, listener, which will hold the listener reference.
  • Use the useRef() hook to create a variable that will hold the previous values of the type and options arguments.
  • Use the useEffect() hook and EventTarget.addEventListener() to listen to the given event type on the Window global object.
  • Use EventTarget.removeEventListener() to remove any existing listeners and clean up when the component unmounts.
const useOnGlobalEvent = (type, callback, options) => {
  const listener = React.useRef(null);
  const previousProps = React.useRef({ type, options });

  React.useEffect(() => {
    const { type: previousType, options: previousOptions } = previousProps;

    if (listener.current) {

    listener.current = window.addEventListener(type, callback, options);
    previousProps.current = { type, options };

    return () => {
      window.removeEventListener(type, listener.current, options);
  }, [callback, type, options]);
const App = () => {
  useOnGlobalEvent('mousemove', e => {
    console.log(`(${e.x}, ${e.y})`);

  return <p>Move your mouse around</p>;

ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('root'));