
Checks if the provided value is of the specified type.

  • Ensure the value is not undefined or null using Array.prototype.includes().
  • Compare the constructor property on the value with type to check if the provided value is of the specified type.
const is = (type, val) => ![, null].includes(val) && val.constructor === type;
is(Array, [1]); // true
is(ArrayBuffer, new ArrayBuffer()); // true
is(Map, new Map()); // true
is(RegExp, /./g); // true
is(Set, new Set()); // true
is(WeakMap, new WeakMap()); // true
is(WeakSet, new WeakSet()); // true
is(String, ''); // true
is(String, new String('')); // true
is(Number, 1); // true
is(Number, new Number(1)); // true
is(Boolean, true); // true
is(Boolean, new Boolean(true)); // true