
Changes the lightness value of an hsl() color string.

  • Use String.prototype.match() to get an array of 3 strings with the numeric values.
  • Use in combination with Number to convert them into an array of numeric values.
  • Make sure the lightness is within the valid range (between 0 and 100), using Math.max() and Math.min().
  • Use a template literal to create a new hsl() string with the updated value.
const changeLightness = (delta, hslStr) => {
  const [hue, saturation, lightness] = hslStr.match(/\d+/g).map(Number);

  const newLightness = Math.max(
    Math.min(100, lightness + parseFloat(delta))

  return `hsl(${hue}, ${saturation}%, ${newLightness}%)`;
changeLightness(10, 'hsl(330, 50%, 50%)'); // 'hsl(330, 50%, 60%)'
changeLightness(-10, 'hsl(330, 50%, 50%)'); // 'hsl(330, 50%, 40%)'